Monday, September 29, 2008


I think that this is political humor because they are exaggerating the fact that Sarah Palin might not be the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to debating. I think this cartoon is saying that they want to postpone the debate until after the election so that she doesn't have to give it (i.e. embarrassing John McCain, as well as the whole Republican party).

Monday, September 22, 2008

Who would I vote for based on enviornment?

After hearing both speeches today, I would have to say that I would vote McCain based on his environment and energy policies. I agree with the idea of offshore drilling. If we drill offshore, more jobs will open up because we need people to drill oil, and gas prices will go down because we are depending less on foreign countries for our oil. Also, I am for the idea of McCain's zero emission challenge, which will reward everyone who buys a zero emission car. Encouraging people to help the economy by offering money is probably one of the best things a potential president can do (I don't think anyone will buy a zero emission car for an ice cream cone, do you?).
It is not that I completely disagree with Obama's opinions about how to help the environment. I just think that between McCain and Obama's policies, McCain's policies appeal most to me (as stated above).

Monday, September 8, 2008

Test Results

After taking the political test, and seeing the results, I have to say that I was a little surprised by my results, but not completely taken aback. The test showed that I was a liberal, which I think I tend to lean more towards of the two main parties, anyway. For example, I agree that the government should give back to the people, and that it's the government's job to help the poor get off of their feet, and not help the upper class as much. Also, I am a firm believer that you will have more success in this country if you try your hardest to get ahead. I believe that the harder you work, the more rewards will come. However, I do not believe in supporting illegal immigration, nor am I a fan of low taxes. I think that taxes should be raised so that the government will have money to spend on creating schools, thus giving everyone a better education for the future.
Overall, I can agree with what the poll test gave me, but I would have been surprised if the test gave me a conservative response, either.

What matters to me in the election of 2008

One important aspect about this election that has not been discussed as much as the economy, war in iraq, etc., is the issue surrounding illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration is especially important to me because I will eventually be applying for various jobs in order to support myself within the next decade. Who knows, within the next decade, illegal immigration could spread to jobs such as education and business. If I can't get a job, I will be in some serious economic trouble.
I am curious to hear Obama and McCain's stance on immigration, and what they are going to do about it (if they want to do anything at all). I know that Liberal's tend to favor immigration, and Republicans tend to hate immigration, but I am more concerned about how they are going to deal with the illegal immigration, because immigration will always be an issue. You can't stop immigration alltogether. Instead, you need to figure out how to work with it, and I am curious as to how Obama and McCain will work with it, if they want to work with it at all.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

McCain's RNC Speech

After listening to McCain's speech, I was a little on the fence about most of the points he was making. For example, I am not so sure about the whole cutting taxes thing anymore. Obama, in his speech, said he was all for it. McCain, in his speech, also said he was for it, but criticized Obama by saying he wants to raise taxes, which will take away saving money from the people. To put it lightly, I disagree. I think we should raise taxes. By doing this, the government will be able to spend more money on creating jobs, which will eventually lead to more Americans having saving money.

I also disagreed with McCain on his view about the war in Iraq. He wants to continue pouring troops into Iraq, while Obama wants to get everyone out. I think that we should be in the middle of both views. While people are going into Iraq, there are still people coming out of Iraq. It isn't like the first 10,000 troops to go out there are still out there waiting to come home. If we keep (roughly) the same amount of troops overseas, America should be in pretty good shape defense wise.
I did agree with his little rant about Russia, however. I think that McCain is right in saying that we should not keep a blind eye towards potential threats, and that we need to be prepared for war no matter what. I am not saying that we should invade immediately, I am just saying that I would rather have us prepared for war, rather than being caught off guard if another attack occurrs.

McCain's personal stories seemed to get in the way of the bulk of his speech. Sure, some personal stories about his 96 year old mother are amazing, but I don't think that they should be thrown into his political campaign. I think that campaigns should be based solely on how each candidate wants to lead the country; that's it.

Overall, I did like hearing McCain's views on how he wants to run the country.