Monday, September 22, 2008

Who would I vote for based on enviornment?

After hearing both speeches today, I would have to say that I would vote McCain based on his environment and energy policies. I agree with the idea of offshore drilling. If we drill offshore, more jobs will open up because we need people to drill oil, and gas prices will go down because we are depending less on foreign countries for our oil. Also, I am for the idea of McCain's zero emission challenge, which will reward everyone who buys a zero emission car. Encouraging people to help the economy by offering money is probably one of the best things a potential president can do (I don't think anyone will buy a zero emission car for an ice cream cone, do you?).
It is not that I completely disagree with Obama's opinions about how to help the environment. I just think that between McCain and Obama's policies, McCain's policies appeal most to me (as stated above).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Our current transportation system is based on the fact that we have been able to get cheap oil. Why would you want to drill more rather than use this opportunity to develop clean renewable energy sources for our country. By the way, the government shouldnt be giving tax incentives for buying zero emission cars or anything.