Monday, September 8, 2008

Test Results

After taking the political test, and seeing the results, I have to say that I was a little surprised by my results, but not completely taken aback. The test showed that I was a liberal, which I think I tend to lean more towards of the two main parties, anyway. For example, I agree that the government should give back to the people, and that it's the government's job to help the poor get off of their feet, and not help the upper class as much. Also, I am a firm believer that you will have more success in this country if you try your hardest to get ahead. I believe that the harder you work, the more rewards will come. However, I do not believe in supporting illegal immigration, nor am I a fan of low taxes. I think that taxes should be raised so that the government will have money to spend on creating schools, thus giving everyone a better education for the future.
Overall, I can agree with what the poll test gave me, but I would have been surprised if the test gave me a conservative response, either.


ktblash said...

your line of reasoning totally makes sense. I mean if you believe in working hard and earning your way ie education then our government needs to support that. How can they fund this stuff if they don't raise taxes. So logical yet many don't see the connection.

Unknown said...

As I read people's response to online political views I am surprised how many liberals are at FA. I know FA isnt a bunch of stuck up white males like some private schools can be but I would expect to see more conservatives. Look at your pay check and just think how much of your money goes to income tax!

@ktblash: You wouldnt have to raise taxes necessarily, you could just have better physical policy. Social security and a large military could go away as well as many other things.