Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Town-Style Debate

I think the format of the debate was not as efficient as I thought it would be. Going into the debate, I thought that the questions would have been better, so I assumed that both candidates were going to answer the questions less and less and instead focus on bashing each other. Turns out, the questions were not thought through, so they were equal to the moderator's questions in previous debates. Still, both candidates barely answered the questions, which really angered me. The questions weren't that hard, and yet they still focused on bashing each other. I wanted to jump into the TV and slap them both. What's so hard about answering questions about fixing the economy? It can't be that hard, in my opinion...

1 comment:

ktblash said...

They are both so scared right now of committing to a definitive plan. In my opinion the reason why is because for whatever reason in politics once you commit to something it is doom/death/murder etc to change you mind. I am not really sure why this is. You would think we would want politicians and leaders that would constantly checking the facts and reevaluating the situation and making adjustments as time/situation changes but noooo. We expect our candidates to pick a stance and take that stance to the grave. So for fear of picking a not so hot plan, in this minute by minute crisis is difficult. They want to stay as general as possible so they can once they are elected take the best route and not be viewed as a flip flopper if they are forced to change positions.